Build an army bound only by your imagination

Riftway Cataclysm is a model agnostic game, which means any models can be used to assemble the intergalactic armada of your dreams. Craft a wholly custom faction bound only by your imagination. Assemble a collection of your favorite models, match those models with an appropriate troop archetype, and march to war.

Converting your models

Units in Riftway Cataclysm are placed on either a 100mm or 90x120mm base, be they a single model or an entire squad. You do not need to re-base your models to play Riftway Cataclysm. Simply place them atop a base and they’re ready for the Rift Wars!

Troop Archetypes

Riftway Cataclysm is fought with a common set of troops available to all players. Assign your favorite models the Troop Archetype that most closely matches the description.

Power Marines

Elite power armored super soldiers equipped with high powered rifles.


A team of highly trained marksmen that excel at fighting other unarmored infantry.

Tank Hunters

Two teams of anti-armor specialists armed with devastating long range weapons.

Destroyer Tank

A powerful peace of heavily armored mobile artillery.

Gattling Tank

An swift armored anti-personnel vehicle.


An elite hero with a powerful ranged attack.

Armored Behemoth

A mechanical, inorganic, magical, or heavily armored beast.

Shock Cavalry

A squad of high speed melee shock cavalry.

Ravenous Beast

A fast and furious monster or giant that excels at gobbling up hoards of soldiers.


A hero that excels at dueling elite enemies in close combat.


A small team of elite heavily armored close combat specialists armed with shields.


A team of unarmored but devastating melee warriors.


An Elite team of armored anti-infantry specialists.


A hoard of poorly trained and poorly equipped ranged infantry.


A specialized team equipped with lumbering but powerful anti-armor melee weapons.


Two large groups of unarmored and poorly trained melee warriors.


An elite squad of soldiers wielding devastating short range weapons.

Apex Predator

A gigantic and versatile hunter capable of slaying prey up close or from afar.

Blaster Tank

A war machine designed to aggressively eliminate enemy armor.


Power armored slaughter masters duel wielding brutal butchering tools.


A versatile champion that leads in the front ready to take on any foe.

Excreter Beast

A living weapon capable of projecting deadly acids and plasmids.

Cosmic Knights

A duo of superhuman riders and armored mounts.

Razor Beast

A hulking beast capable of slicing through heavy armor with ease.


Power armored soldiers wielding cumbersome heavy weapons.


Massive armored warriors wielding mighty energy weapons.

Flesh Grinder

A mechanized flesh mulching weapon of war.


Rugged thugs ready for a good scrap or shootout.

Immolator Tank

A massive armored flamethrower brings fiery death to enemy infantry.


Suicide bombers that sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Mecha Jaeger

A versatile walking war machine armed with an array of Weapons.

Mobile Fortress

An ambulatory weapon of mass destruction.


Hulking warriors that smash enemies with brute force.


Shock troops with specialized room clearing weapons.


Armored skirmish cavalry wielding pistols and melee weapons.

Rift War Veterans

A team of veteran warriors ready for any challenge.


A skirmishing cadre of bomb lobing saboteurs.

Shield Warden

A highly trained group of shield infantry who march in an unbreakable testudo.

Siege Breakers

A heavily armored breacher squad designed to punch through stalemates.


A hidden marksman who lurks far away from the enemy picking off key targets.

Special Ops

A small, elite, versatile, and deadly band of battle hardened soldiers.

Toxic Bio-Weapon

A living weapon armed with a toxic payload.


Commanders are powerful and unique leaders that dominate the battlefield with their martial prowess and special abilities. Each player may include up to one commander in their army as a troop choice.

Titan Warlord

An unstoppable killing machine that leads their forces from the front lines.

Master Infiltrator

A cunning saboteur who leads their forces in devastating raids behind enemy lines.

Peerless Tactician

A strategic mastermind who commands his forces on the front lines with deadly precision.

Arch Riftweaver

A peerless weaver of the Riftwake, through which they can warp reality.

Command Barge

An impregnable mobile fortress armed with the most advanced weapons of devastation.

Warrior Poet

A multi-faceted artist of violence. The greatest exemplar of their species.

Slaughter Lord

It is death incarnate, the tip of the spear. They lead through violence.

March to War

Before playing a game, both players agree how many Troops they’re bringing to battle. Each troop choice is evenly balanced, but suited to different strategies, foes, and circumstances. Weaker troops include more models or multiple units, to counter-balance stronger elite troops. Select your troops in secret before revealing them to your opponent.

Creating your one-of-a-kind faction

Once you’ve learned the basics of warfare, take your army to the next level by creating a custom faction, customizing your warriors with War Gear upgrades, generating a unique lore, and custom Troop cards.

Create lists on the New Recruit App!

Create custom armies and factions using the New Recruit app, now available on Web and the Google Play store! Just add “Riftway Cataclysm” to your list of games. It’s so easy!