Shop from independent Artists

Riftway Cataclysm is a free game that can be played with any models you please. By shopping from independent modelers on Etsy and MyMiniFactory, you can get high quality models that rival major producers for a fraction of the price.

Below are a list of our favorite independent artists selling high quality models compatible with Riftway Cataclysm.

Their work is not owned, exclusive, or associated directly with Riftway Cataclysm. We just think they’re cool. Their work is referenced with permission.


Mortian makes some of the most creative and unique hard-sci-fi models on the market, perfect for representing elder species who must plunder the Riftway to survive.

Cyber Rats

Cybernetically enhanced verminoid warriors. This model range is massive, able to make virtually any troop type in Riftway Cataclysm.

Drop Troopers

A unique take on futuristic hard sci-fi humanoids. These gas-mask wearing troopers have an amazing range of tanks, exo-suites, and special forces.

Artisan Guild is a truly prolific sculptor who’s created range after range of inspired fantasy miniatures. Each range can be used as an entire army. They’re perfect to represent young species fighting for survival in the Rift Wars.

Genetically gifted dragonblood knights that ride powerful armored beasts into war.

A savage tribe of ogres who raid the Riftway for plunder and meat.

Shamanistic Amphibian warriors who have embraced the art of Rift Weaving.

These shamanistic satyrs and centaurs are wardens of the Riftway Wilds.

Aquatic warriors who summon an ethereal ocean in their wake as they surf the Riftway.

Earths many Rifts have spawned countless alternate histories. Savage human ancestors of early earth had to defend their species right for survival.

The diversity of Riftway denizens is limitless. Some beings of energy and thought can manifest in a form some would call Demonic.

Wasteworld desert dwellers who hardness the power of the dunes.

Cold-blooded warriors who wield muscle and cosmic power in defense of their realm.

An order of long-lived warriors who’s technorganic mastery allows them to grow their weapons of war.


Sacrusmundus produces some of the most fun and imaginative terrain on the market and is totally compatible with Riftway Cataclysm. Buy STLs directly from the artist or patron one of their licensed printers on etsy.

Terrain to represent a world overtaken by alien flora.

Buildings and flora to represent an outpost on alien planet.

Organic barricades perfect for Low Cover in any Riftway game.

Terrain 4 print is an indi 3d artist who makes some fantastic low-fantasy terrain, perfect for battle on primitive early-universe worlds.

These buildings are perfect for garrisons and obstructions on the battlefield.

An ideal representation of an Open Garrison. Goes well in any ruined setting..

A ruined stone structure blasted to the foundation, perfect for an Open Garrison in any bombed out city.

A producer of incredible sci-fi terrain filled with fantastic grim dark details.

Shipping containers, crates, and barrels ideal for obstructions and low cover.

A savage tribe of ogres who raid the Riftway for plunder and meat.