Riftway Cataclysm v0.35 rules clarifications

Version 0.35 of Riftway Cataclysm is up from order via Lulu. In further playtesting a few valid questions have been mentioned. I'll clarify them here. The next edition of the rulebook will include these clarifications.


Replace the following paragraph on page 21:

"If the target of a ranged attack charges into melee with an allied unit, reduce those outgoing attacks by half, rounding down, to represent the volley being cut short to avoid friendly fire."


"If the target of a ranged attack performs a charge, melee attack, or becomes the target of a melee attack, reduce those incoming ranged attacks by half, rounding down, to represent the volley being cut short to avoid friendly fire. Those ranged attacks cut in half in this way cannot later be escaped (pg. 24)."


On Page 24, add the following note:

A stack of attack tokens is never cut in half more than once from any source, such as: melee disruption of ranged attacks, evasion, or interception by melee units. This does not apply to block, suppression, or scramble.”


On Page 60, the Master Infiltrator’s infiltration ability should read

"Infiltrate: This Commander and up to one other troop may be deployed off the board in hiding. When the Infiltrator is activated, they and the hidden troop emerge. Set up hidden units so that their bases are touching a board edge and one another in a contiguous line. You must deploy wholly outside your opponent's deployment zone. Immediately activate the Master Infiltrator. The accompanying unit must be activated later in that turn."


In the back of the book, the blank unit card features a printing error, causing the.black and white boxes to be misaligned. A working version can be found on this website in the section titled Enter The Riftway: https://riftwaycataclysm.com/entertheriftway


If any additional clarifications are needed they'll be added here.


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