Version 36 has arrived!

Version 36 is Riftway Cataclysm is now out. With it come our very first starter set, to help those without access to printers or free time a way to get their very own Riftway Cataclysm set! A new version of the rulebook is now out. For the few but mighty of you that purchased a v35 rulebook, fear not, for your rulebook is still 95% the same and easy upgradable. The rulebook is mostly revisions, edits, clarifications, and a few fun additions that can easily be footnoted in your existing book.

Our starter set is being sold at production cost through Game Crafter, print to order. It includes everything you need to play except for the models, ruler, and poker chips. It includes all the bases, tokens, and cards unique to Riftway Cataclysm. You can even buy a set of 600 1” game token stickers to fully convert you poker set into a Riftway Cataclysm set, or a premium 1.5” set that covers the entire chip for maximum readability.

Version 36 of the rulebook has also arrived. This edition is focused on rules clarifications, error cleanup, and some changes around manifestations. If you own a v35 rulebook it’s largely still usable, so don’t feel the need to rush out and get a new one. None of the troops changed outside of a few fixed mistakes, which you can update yourself.

The following changed:

p17: Terrain may not be placed outside of 1” of an objective, down from 4”. This allows for more thematic boards where objectives feel like they’re associated with a particular bit of terrain.

p17: It’s been clarified that a coin flip should be used to determine who first places down terrain.

P20: It’s been clarified that to occupy a garrison you must move wholly within the garrison. Also, you may not end your move partially in terrain. You’re either wholly in or you’re wholly out.

p21: Free actions are now defined as an action that can be performed in addition to a normal action(s) and can occur any time before damage resolution.

P21: Its clarified that you may charge from out of a garrison.

p21 & 24: The rules around shooting into melee and intercepting have been clarified. A unit may not shoot at another unit who’s within 1” of an ally. If a unit charged into melee and that unit is now blocking the line of sight of a shooting attack, those tokens are not moved to the melee unit and treated as an interception. Instead, the unit in melee counts as line of sight obstruction and the ranged attack is resolved as an escaped attack, cutting the stack in half. This change also means that an attack stack is never cut in half more than once. This also means that attack tokens now only ever move from one unit to another during the damage resolution phase.

P22: The wording of Lethal Gambits has been adjusted for clarity. “If the defender wins, they can ignore 2 damage for each Strategic Token they wagered.”

P24: The wording around attacks being cut in half has been clarified. it now reads “the number of attacks is halved, rounding up”. An example is now included.

p21, 23 & 24: A new section is added on pages 23 defining what it means to have an attack cut short. All places that previously describe attack token stacks being cut in half now refer to attacks being “cut short”.

p23: Attacks that are cut short are no longer further reduced by concealment. However, a defender can choose to not have an attack cut short if their concealment would provide better protection.

P27: The Run action has been clarified to act like a normal move. You can use the run action to do anything a more could normally do, like occupy a garrison.

P27: Hunker now states that it reduces attacks to a minimum of one.

P35: The Immolator Tank is now properly listed as a War Machine instead of Infantry.

P60: The infiltrator’s Infiltrate ability has been reworded for accuracy and clarity. It still behaves the same overall.

P60: Direct fire ability is reworded for clarity. This is a ploy that’s used on a currently active unit.

P61: Psychic Assault has been added to the list of Abilities for the Arch Riftweaver.

P63: Several errors have been corrected in the Metaphysical Powers section.

P63: Metaphysical powers can now each only be attempted once per turn for each player. This was to address a dominant strategy that was discovered around Kinetic Bolt spam that left too little counterplay for the opponent, bleeding them of strat tokens.

P63: Someone manifesting a metaphysical power always spends at least 1 token, even in the case of ties.

P64: Paradox can now be targeted on any allied unit within LOS. Also, if that unit dies before the end of the turn their attacks are not removed, reduced, or resolved. The intention is that the attacks are resolved when the enemy next acts. You cannot take cover from, escape, or intercept these attacks, but they can be reduced by hunker.

P66: The Timeless culture action has been changed to return 1 model, or two models of 5 or fewer health, per use. This will allow more army builds to make use of the timeless culture. Giving up an action is costly and should feel worthwhile.

P70: a new utility upgrade, Aegis, has been added, allowing units to use hunker while intercepting attacks.

P70: The stealthy rule has been modified to better align with the intent, and now only changes garisons within 1” into obstructions.

P70: Stealthy has been updated to better clarify its intended gameplay. “This unit cannot see or be seen through garrisons within 1”, or while occupying that garrison

P73: Powered Weapons now costs 2RP, down from 3. It can only be used once per game.

P73: Quick Strike now costs 3 RP, up from 2.

P81: The Army Roster print-out has been cleaned up to be more usable. The background is whiter, there’s more room to write short-hand faction rules in, and there’s a tracker for Requisition Points, and your W/L/D record for the purposes of campaigns.

P82: The blank unit card has been cleaned up. The previous edition had layout errors making it hard to write on.


How to base in RWC!